It is amazing that in a post-modern age people still ask “Why is the development of human resources important”? Even more so, in the Public Service some may wonder why should state resources be expended on the training of public officers? The answer to both questions is intrinsically linked to human development and human resource development theories which have been very well proven. Countless amount of evidence affirm that the education and training of the citizenry is one of the best known ways for any nation to obtain and sustain economic growth.
Effective skills/training development systems which connect education to technical training, technical training to labour market entry and labour market entry to workplace and lifelong learning – can help countries sustain productivity, growth and translate that growth into a better quality of life for all.
It is the assignment of formal education to ensure to each individual the full development of the human personality and citizenship; and to lay the foundation for employability. Initial training develops further one’s employment fitness and functionality by providing general core work skills, and the underpinning knowledge, and industry-based and professional competencies which are portable and facilitate the transition into the world of work.
However, learning as many have come to realize does not stop when one ends formal education but it is a continual process that has to be engaged in order to maintain productivity, performance and efficiency in the workplace. It is therefore the responsibility human resource managers to ensure that employees are provided opportunities for personal and professional growth and more so to provide them with the resources that enable them to meet the changing demands of customers, technology and environment.