
Human Resource Development Unit

The Human Resource Development Unit (HRDU) is the training and development arm of the EPTD. The Senior Administrative Officer/EPTD undertakes the overall co-ordination of the HRD Unit’s activities. The Unit consists of the following activity centers:

The Public Service Training Centre (PSTC) which designs and delivers in-service training programmes for Ministries/Departments locally. The internal structure shows that the Administrative Officer heads the PSTC.

The Performance Management Section of the HRDU is responsible for vetting performance appraisal reports and conducting training with regard to Employee Assessment Development Reviews. This section also has the duty to process recommendations for permanent appointments within the Public Service.

The Organization Development Section is in charge of the preparation and review of job descriptions, work plans, organization charts, among other duties. Also, under its portfolio falls advertisement for various short courses and nomination of public officers to attend training programmes overseas.